728 x 90
728 x 90


Ouahiba Saoudi


کتاب های مرتبط

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مقاله های مرتبط

2 مقاله
(IIUM Journal of Religion and Civilisational Studies (IJECS
This paper discusses the concept of “civilisation” and “civilisational sustainable development” with special reference to maqasid and values system in Islam. Islam, in its very nature, posits that civilisation is an integrated and a multi-faceted social phenomenon involving intellectual, social, socio-economic, cultural, spiritual, moral, material, and other aspects. The concept…
Journal of Education and Social Sciences
This paper examines the importance of integrated value based education on civilisational development. It provides a framework for the study of education and its synthetic function on development of society. In very complex global environment, there is a need to re-visit the concept of education discerning its value and ethical…

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