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چکیده مقاله

During his remarkable academic career Pitirim A. Sorokin published about forty books and some five-hundred articles and essays addressing the subject of civilizations in some of his most important works. Due to the rapid globalization and related profound and multifaceted transformation of the world, interest to the macro-level sociocultural entities as well as the “longue durée” sociocultural processes is on the rise once again, prompting more systemic, and most importantly, more scientific, studies of this multifaceted, and, therefore, elusive phenomenon. The paper presents an extraordinary evolution of the Pitirim A. Sorokin’s views on this subject by analyzing a number of the scholar’s milestone works, published over the span of almost 30 years, such as “Social and Cultural Dynamics” (1937), “Society, Culture, Personality. Their Structure and Dynamics: A System of General Sociology “(1947), “Modern Historical and Social Philosophies” (1963), and “Sociological Theories of Today” (1966). In those seminal works the scholar introduced a sophisticated analytical apparatus into the civilizational theory and research, achieving a more systemic understanding of this complex phenomenon, yet failed to recognize that civilizations do not belong exclusively to the realm of culture, and therefore, a comprehensive scientific investigation of it ought to comprise a much broader field than culturology. In our publications we have suggested that such a field of the Civilizational Science is presently forcefully emerging, developed its theoretical and methodological foundations, and proposed within its framework a number of solutions to some of the humanity’s most pressing global problems. In a sense, we are continuing from where Sorokin has stopped and, thus, by a large measure, this paper acknowledges, as well as celebrates the Pitirim A. Sorokin’s contribution to development of the Civilizational Science.

Biocosmology – neo-Aristotelism ,
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